Modern Slavery Statement 2024
About Interact
Interact is a multi-award-winning UK-based customer experience outsourcer. Established in 2011, Interact takes pride in its independence and, as of 2023, operates as an Employee-Owned Trust (EOT). This structure ensures that our team shares in the company’s successes, fostering a collective commitment to the continued growth of our business. With contact centres in Richmond Upon Thames and Wigan, alongside our homeworking teams, our focus is on providing companies with powerful sales channels to gain new customers and increase retention, whilst providing exceptional customer service and building loyalty.
At Interact, we are dedicated to operating with transparency and integrity. Our approach to addressing modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our business and supply chain is aligned with our legal obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
As a supplier to some of the world’s leading companies, Interact also relies on a network of suppliers. We are committed to ensuring that our supply chain upholds the highest standards of ethical conduct.
Policy Statement
Modern slavery, in all its forms—including slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking—is a heinous crime and a gross violation of fundamental human rights. These practices all share a common objective: to deprive individuals of their liberty for the purpose of exploitation, whether for personal or commercial gain.
Interact adopts a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. We are committed to conducting all our business dealings and relationships with the utmost ethical integrity. We enforce effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery does not take place within our own operations or throughout our supply chain.
Interact publishes an external Modern Slavery Statement voluntarily.
Policies & Awareness of Modern Slavery
Interact has implemented a comprehensive Modern Slavery Policy, which is mandatory reading for all individuals working for or on behalf of Interact in any capacity. Our policy explicitly prohibits the use of forced, compulsory, or trafficked labour, as well as any form of slavery or servitude. We expect our suppliers and clients to uphold these same high standards within their own supply chains.
In addition to our Modern Slavery Policy, Interact has established a Sustainable Purchasing Policy and a Whistleblower Policy, which encourage the reporting of any unethical practices.
Actions Taken to Minimise Risk
Recruitment Processes & Governance
As a provider of people services to our clients, Interact recognises that our recruitment processes pose the greatest potential risk for exposure to modern slavery and human trafficking. To mitigate this risk, we have established rigorous screening processes for all our employees, ensuring that our clients are not exposed to preventable risks.
Our HR Department is responsible for ensuring compliance with our Modern Slavery Policy, both legally and ethically, and for ensuring that all employees adhere to it.
Operational Directors at Interact are tasked with the day-to-day implementation of this policy. They are responsible for monitoring its effectiveness, addressing any inquiries, and auditing our internal controls and procedures to ensure they are effective in preventing modern slavery.
Supply Chain Engagement & Due Diligence
Interact maintains a streamlined supply chain focused on supporting our core contact centre services and clients, while ensuring ongoing access to necessary office and technology infrastructure. Our procurement categories include:
- Suppliers of IT systems and technology services
- Suppliers supporting Interact’s client requirements
- Providers of professional services, such as audit and legal services
- Business service providers, including office leasing, catering, printing, and cleaning.
All suppliers are subject to a thorough evaluation process, which includes specific prohibitions against the use of forced, compulsory, or trafficked labour, or any form of slavery or servitude.
Our Sustainable Purchasing Policy promotes social responsibility by selecting suppliers who uphold ethical labour practices and respect human rights. Interact avoids sourcing products and services that have known negative environmental or social impacts, such as those from suppliers with a history of labour violations.
Suppliers are evaluated based on their environmental and social performance, as well as their quality, price, and delivery time.
Processes for Preventing Modern Slavery
Interact has implemented the following processes to help combat modern slavery:
- Ongoing monitoring of potential risk areas within our supply chain ensuring compliance with all applicable laws
- Long-standing relationships with regulated service suppliers who adhere to ethical labour practices and respect human rights
- Ongoing oversight of all service providers engaged by Interact
- Annual review and updating of our policies and procedures (where applicable), including those related to anti-bribery and corruption, whistleblowing, purchasing, and modern slavery
- Clear procedures for reporting any wrongdoing in accordance with our whistleblowing policy.
Interact is committed to the ongoing prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and supply chains. We recognise that combating modern slavery is a continuous effort, requiring regular evaluation and enhancement of our practices.
As part of our long-term strategy, we conduct periodic reviews of our policies, procedures, and partnerships to ensure they remain effective in identifying, preventing, and addressing any risks of modern slavery. These reviews will inform the development of any improved strategies across our business or supply chain and promote transparency. We are dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards and will work diligently to evolve our approach as necessary to safeguard human rights.
This statement has been reviewed and approved by Interact’s Board of Directors.
Michael Pollock
Group Commercial Director
Version 1.0 Last updated 23/08/2024