Interact’s team have proudly retaining the title of Top Fundraisers at the Business Fives charity football tournament, in support of local charity partners Daffodils Dreams.

Interact’s team raised £952 ahead of the event through the sale of summer party tickets and iced coffee mornings! All monies raised will be going to one of our wonderful local charity partners, Daffodils Dreams.

“We are thrilled to be supported by Interact. We love the work they do, especially with their fundraising efforts which does great work in local communities. The funds raised for Daffodils Dreams will help us to reach and provide for more children and families in the Wigan Borough. For this we will be eternally grateful.” Maureen Holcroft, Founder & CEO of Daffodils Dreams CIC.

Who are Daffodils Dreams?

At Daffodils Dreams, they believe that every child, no matter the family circumstances, should have the same opportunity to thrive. They are passionate about making a difference for disadvantaged children to have positive life experiences. Providing, mainly through donated items, home essentials such as toiletries, good quality clothing, bedding, and birthday gifts. They also provide holiday activity packs along with activity vouchers – theatre, sports, roller skating, cinema etc., to enable them to have the same experiences as other children.

Find out more about Daffodils Dreams here.