Interact’s team have raised an incredible £1,526 for Cancer Research UK

For 2024, we asked our teams to nominate charities that they would like us to partner with and were overwhelmed with nominations.

We therefore chose four Northern charity partners, with our Q1 charity being the amazing Cancer Research UK (CRUK). Here’s what’s been happening and why this charity means so much.

So far this quarter we’ve raised an incredible £1,526.

Our Re-gift a gift auction raised £394. A massive thank you to our team, and a special thank you to Ben who single-handedly contributed £175 to the pot (not that he didn’t like his Christmas gifts!)

Our Revitalising raffle raised £150, with some wonderful prizes for our team including a spa day, free gym membership, and a pamper hamper. Well done to all our winners.

With Mother’s Day, Easter and a Coffee & Cake morning coming up we can’t wait to share more of our teams’ amazing efforts. Before we do, here’s why Cancer Research UK means so much.

1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime and many of our team have first-hand experience. When Cancer Research UK was suggested the support for this charity was overwhelming.

Cancer Research UK does such fantastic work, helping to fund scientists, doctors and nurses to help beat cancer sooner as well as providing vital support.

That’s why our team are thrilled to support such a wonderful charity!

Re-gift a gift auction poster
Wellbeing Month Raffle