Interact was thrilled to present Daffodils Dreams with a cheque for a whopping £2859.65.

A huge congratulations to our team for their incredible fundraising efforts.

Community is at the heart of Interact and our team go to great lengths to make sure not only our people are supported, but the local community too.

Daffodils Dreams are one of Interact’s chosen charities for 2023, and during the second quarter our team raised money through a summer party, iced coffee day, sponsored 5-a-side at Business Fives, Pet Photo Day, Mental Health Awareness Day, and an Easter Bonnet competition. They’ve been busy!

Together, we can make a difference. Connecting with the community.

Who are Daffodils Dreams?

At Daffodils Dreams, they believe that every child, no matter the family circumstances, should have the same opportunity to thrive. They are passionate about making a difference for disadvantaged children to have positive life experiences. Providing, mainly through donated items, home essentials such as toiletries, good quality clothing, bedding, and birthday gifts. They also provide holiday activity packs along with activity vouchers – theatre, sports, roller skating, cinema etc., to enable them to have the same experiences as other children.